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How to freeze sausage properly

how to freeze sausage

With the current situation in the world, we know that many of you are conducting slightly larger grocery shopping trips than normal. As you may find yourself purchasing extra meat, here are some good tips on how to properly freeze fresh raw sausage to help extend the shelf life.

How to Freeze Sausage

The CDC currently recommends you keep a 14-day supply of food and medicine on-hand. For the latest information and recommendations, visit the CDC site here. Please remember to only purchase what you actually need and please do NOT hoard. Boulder Sausage has a detailed COVID-19 plan in place and we are working very closely with our retailer partners (such as King Soopers, Safeway, Costco, & Target) to maintain supply and restock shelves as quickly as possible.

While we are currently not able to accommodate walk-in orders, we will continue to fulfill all online orders. We remain in full force and are available to answer any questions you may have, just send us an email at custservice@bouldersausage.com.

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