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We’ve got NOTHING to hide. Literally!

By July 5, 2019Blog, News
Boulder Sausage Clear Package

What does transparency mean to you?

At Boulder Sausage, transparency means we are open, honest, humble, and willing to fully convey what we project. Nearly 60 years ago, Boulder Sausage was founded on the principle that our customers ARE our family, and family takes care of family. Thus, if it is not good enough for our families, it’s not good enough for yours. But you don’t just have to take our word for it, because we’re committed to transparency, which means WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE.

In fact, we are so proud that we have nothing to hide that we are rolling out clear trays across our entire sausage line. Not only are we completely transparent about our products’ ingredients (simply premium lean pork and spices), we are now completely transparent in our Clearly Clean product packaging. Our transparent trays allow you to capture a 360-degree view of our ALWAYS FRESH product- from top, to side, to bottom.

The best part about it is these clear trays are 100% RECYCLABLE!

Pull back the film, toss the brats on the grill, and curb the tray straight to the recycling bin. At Boulder Sausage we consistently strive to improve our practices, becoming more and more sustainable every day. We couldn’t be more thrilled to take this giant step in the right direction. Better for you, better for the community, better for the environment

We are extremely proud of what’s NOT in our sausage & bacon. So proud that we’re showing it all! Now that’s TRANSPARENCY. Just another way our family takes care of your family.

Look for this new and improved packaging (but same great product) to hit store shelves beginning the first week of July!

#thinkgloballybuylocally #transparency #recycle #sustainability #businessthatcares #values #local #shopsmart #colorado #environment

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