*UPDATE: This post has been updated/edited as of 6/13/2020 to reflect the most current precautions and safety measures we are following.
Over the past several months, we have continued to face an unprecedented challenge. Like you, we are deeply concerned and want to do what we can to help keep our communities, our customers, and our employees safe and healthy, while at the same time ensuring that you have a reliable supply of Boulder Sausage. We take our responsibility to our customers, employees, and our partners very seriously.
We have continuously been listening to the appropriate government sources (including both the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services) for accurate and up-to-date information about COVID-19 as we plan and prepare for this situation so that we can fulfill orders and continue to provide our customers with quality products.
Luckily, our plant has remained fully operational to date and our company is only minimally impacted. Boulder Sausage has worked diligently to create a detailed COVID-19 plan and to implement several appropriate and sensible steps to help protect our customers, employees, and our partners throughout this difficult time. This plan is continuously reviewed and updated to reflect the most current recommendations and regulations set forth by our government and health officials.
Here are some of the critical changes we have implemented*:
- Requiring employees, vendors, or any 3rd party entering our facility to complete a daily health screening and temperature check at the start of their shifts. All individuals on-site must also wear a mask as required by county and city regulations.
- We’ve suspended all travel in and out of Colorado for both our employees and our partners
- We are substituting in-person meetings with virtual video and voice conferencing
- Employees, whose job functions allow, are working remotely as much as possible
- Implemented additional sanitation and hygiene protocols for both our facility and employees. Additional sanitization stations have been added throughout the facility
- Ensuring we provide a safe work environment for our employees and encouraging employees that are required to work on-site to be mindful of the six-foot rule and wear a mask
- Requesting our employees to practice social distancing and be very diligent during these times
- Providing additional time for our employees if they need to care for themselves or their families and are requiring anyone who is feeling sick, symptomatic, or who has potentially been exposed to self-quarantine and get tested
The biggest challenge we are facing in the situation is the availability of pork. The demands from both domestic and export sources are extremely strong. Pork processors are trying to keep up with demand, but unfortunately, the supply is limited as hogs can only be raised so fast and this situation was unforeseeable. We utilize various sources to secure our pork and we are investigating all avenues to ensure we can secure enough pork to meet our orders. We do have the excess capacity to process and meet orders so long as we continue to receive enough pork.
The CDC currently recommends you keep a 14-day supply of food and medicine on-hand. As you may find yourself buying slightly more than normal, check out our recommendations on how to freeze fresh raw sausage. But please remember to only purchase what you actually need and please do NOT hoard. We are working very closely with our retailer partners (such as King Soopers, Safeway, Costco, & Target) to maintain supply and restock shelves as quickly as possible.
The impact of COVID-19 is fluid and we promise to keep you informed and up to date as the situation progresses. Any and all changes or updates we can provide will be posted right here on our Boulder Sausage blog.
Update 3/23/2020
Effective immediately: all personnel entering our facility will have their body temperature taken via a no-contact thermometer. If any individual records a fever range temperature, they will immediately be sent home and required to obtain a doctor’s note before returning to our facility. Shall any person refuse to have their temperature taken, they will not be allowed to enter the facility. Please note: our facility remains closed to all outside parties – only critical employees are allowed to enter the facility at this time.
Update 3/26/2020
As you are aware, given the circumstances of COVID-19, Governor Polis has issued a state-wide stay-at-home order that went into effect at 8AM on 3/26/2020. Boulder Sausage is a food product manufacturer and thus classified as a business in the Food and Agriculture industry. The Food and Agriculture industry has been designated as a “Critical Infrastructure Segment” under Presidental Policy Directive 21 and the Department of Homeland Security’s emergency readiness programs. Given the nature of our business, Boulder Sausage is exempt from these local restrictions.
The ongoing production of our fresh & perishable products is necessary in order to maintain supply at local grocers as such products are vital to the nutritional well-being of our communities, especially in a time like this. Boulder Sausage continues to take the safety of our communities, customers, and employees in the highest regard. Rest assured, only those employees who are critical to the on-going operation are reporting to the facility and we continue to follow all protocols detailed above. Boulder Sausage is closely monitoring the situation and listening to the appropriate government sources for COVID-19 updates. Shall the situation change, we will continue to update this blog.
Update 6/13/2020
As promised, we continue to monitor the progression of this global pandemic and are regularly reviewing our COVID-19 plan to ensure it is up-to-date with the most current government recommendations. The safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and partners is always our number 1 goal. We understand that temporarily halting pick-up orders was frustrating for many customers, however, we felt it was a necessary step in maintaining our number 1 goal. We’re ecstatic to announce that we are now able to resume pick-up orders at our facility in Louisville. As an added precaution, we have transitioned to curbside pick-up – No need to even leave your car. If you are interested in placing an order for pick-up, please contact us by calling 303-665-6302 and select option 8.
We thank you all for your continued support, patients, and understanding during this challenging time. We look forward to serving up some delicious sausage your way very soon.